about Ehud Loudar

Ehud Loudar is a certified Steinway & Sons concert technician and piano tuner with over 20 years experience in tuning, voicing, regulating, and advice.

He is in charge of the regulation and voicing of the grand pianos in the Recital Hall of The Royal Concertgebouw, for the grand pianos in the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, and for the main instruments of the Amsterdam Conservatory (Haitinkzaal and Sweelinckzaal). As a concert tuner he has been involved in numerous concerts in Concertgebouw and Muziekgebouw. He has also cooperated in a large number of CD recordings, e.g. with Decca, Pentatone and RCO Live.

Ehud Loudar prepares the instruments according to the wishes of the pianist, taking the acoustics of the hall into consideration. He works in close consultation with the pianist on the ideal sound, and ‘customizes’ the piano when special requirements are needed: at concerts, durings recordings, and at home.

Ehud Loudar completed his training in 2004 at Steinway & Sons in Hamburg, where he was trained by George Ammann. From 1994 to April 2014 he worked as a senior piano technician at Steinway Center Nederland | Ypma Piano's. Since April 2014 he is working as a free lance concert technician and piano tuner, in the Netherlands and abroad.

Ehud Loudar • gecertificeerd Steinway & Sons concerttechnicus • pianostemmer • T: +31 (0)6 30343788 • E: info(at)ehudloudar(punt)nl